Get More Math!
What We Do
Every math teacher knows it is a challenge to help students learn a new skill, but even more difficult to make sure it sticks. Will a student retain new concepts through next week — or next year? Get More Math is designed by a math teacher to ensure that the answer is: yes! Get More Math takes practice to the next level by creating sessions for each student that include new material as well as past concepts and skills. As the year progresses and the teacher gradually introduces new concepts, these sessions continue to build. This interleaving spiraled practice is available on-demand, 24-7, allowing a student continous practice each time she logs in. Problems are selected just for her based on data collected during all former sessions. Is she weak on graphing? She will see a graphing problem. Is she a champ at multiplying decimals? This skill will occasionally generate, to strategically ensure she still remembers. Test it out for yourself with a complimentary site-license for your school, lasting through July 31. Visit booth 331 or 546 for details. Get started with Get More Math and begin to accelerate learning as never before!
Assessment Resources, Common Core Resources, Online Resources, RtI Materials, Software and Apps, Teaching Resources
P.O. Box 5045
Sonora, CA 95370
United States